" 雨露给予生命之花的生长 "


侨福芳草地,京城最赋艺术气息的商业办公综合体。近期到访过这里的人们,都会立刻注意到在近百米高公共空间的心脏地带,出现一座悬浮在空中、洁白而纯净的神秘艺术品:刘昊威带领CAA建筑事务所完成的新作——CASA TALIA餐厅。

Parkview Green is the most artistically infused mixed-use complex in Beijing. People who visit will immediately notice a pure, crisp-white piece of artwork suspended 100 meters off the ground in the heart of the building. This is the new work done by the architectural firm CAA lead by Liu Haowei, the Casa Talia restaurant.

CASA TALIA餐厅坐落在芳草地中心塔楼的凹口处,这个从商场公共空间四个层级都可以看到的核心地带,曾经是著名的Dunhill餐厅的旧址。该地基不同于常规的商业空间,由公共露台空间与室内空间两部分组成,而公共露台拥有7米的挑高,可将整个芳草地四层多元的商业文化业态尽收眼底。

Casa Talia restaurant, which is located in the void space between the podium and tower of Parkview Green where the renowned Dunhill restaurant used to occupy, is clearly visible from all angles of the central public space. The design is distinct from conventional commercial spaces because it separates the project into two parts: the exposed, public roof terrace, and an enclosed indoor space beside it. The public terrace has a height of seven meters, which provides a panoramic view of the four-story commercial culture of Parkview Green.

之前随着Dunhill的离开,最佳的故事地点,却没有了故事。直到CASA TALIA的降临,让这个绝佳的空中地标重获新生。

With Dunhill’s departure, it allowed for the potential of a brand-new story to be told in its old location. The arrival of Casa Talia rejuvenated the story once again and the aerial landmark is restored.





In ancient Hebrew, the word "Talia" signifies the dew of the heavens. Because of the restaurant’s Spanish heritage as well as its special location, CAA decided to integrate a surreal spatial expression conjugated with Mediterranean style. This "flower of life" being nourished by the raindrops above is most fitting to the restaurant’s branding concept.


When people enter this radiant public space from different entrances, they’ll be able to marvel at this new-born art installation. Like the goddess Venus saturat