郎园 vintage 环境改造

郎园 vintage 环境提升

Langyuan Vintage Environmental Upgrade

郎园 vintage 原为北京市医药集团下属的万东医疗设备制造厂。2010年,作为 CBD 最后一片工业遗址,曾经的郎家园6号开始了它的华丽转身,经过多次业态调整,不断升级,逐步蝶变成如今的郎园 Vintage! 2017至2018年间对原有园区环境进行改造提升是其中重要的一项内容。

Langyuan vintage was originally the Wandong Medical Equipment manufactory under the Beijing Pharmaceutical Group. As the last industrial site in the CBD area, in 2010, the No.6 Langjiayuan began its gorgeous turn. After many program adjustments and constant upgrades, eventually the renovated Langyuan Vintage came to our sight. The environmental upgrade of the original site from 2017 to 2018 plays an important role within it.




Square renovation





The north gate to Langyuan is located at the auxiliary road of Jianguo Road. It is the entrance of a typical closed management compound. There is a toll booth in the middle of the entrance and exit of the car and a narrow pedestrian entrance next to the abandoned guard room. Entering the gate is a wide parking lot with people and cars mixed. The parking space is more chaotic, and inefficient. However, due to the ample parking space, the demand for reorganizing the parking lot is low.

The original South Square is located in Tonghui North Road. The entrance is similar to the one in the north. The South Square is smaller in size. The original square is divided into two areas. The east area is the parking lot, the west area is the pedestrian square for people who use the restaurant, and there are two sets, a total number of four unused containers on the pedestrian square.








The focus of the renovation of the North Square includes: reorganizing the entrance to obtain the greatest possible openness; re-planning the parking lot, in order to separate people and vehicles; providing more public event venues.

After the renovation, the efficiency was greatly improved. Without reducing the number of parking spaces, a square was created to meet the needs of various activities and become the core of the North Square; the entrance of the pedestrian was highlighted, and the relationship of the original trees were used to reorganize the relationship between the pedestrian way and the central square, to create a more ceremonial experience; the vehicle entrance is set to the side, and a sma