

A Design Studio in a collective office



With the progress of society and science and technology, the contemporary way of working has been different. The future office needs to be able to attract and retain creative and executive people who can create a platform that increases productivity while balancing employee interaction and space quality and experience.

场地原状Original condition


Office space is located in the National Science and Technology Park in an ordinary compartment, the space height is 2.7 meters, the area is 84 square meters, one side facing the corridor inside the floor, the other side is the south window, has a better view of the landscape, but with the tube hiding in the wall, the layout of the overall space has restrictions and impact. A company can only rent a room for no more than three years and to be returned as its original status according to the policy.

(原始照片Original photo)


So as a start-up office, design is to meet the multiple functions of office space while redefining the space in a low-budget way. But innovation doesn't mean breaking all the limits and recreating a new space, but redefining the working mode and creating the space experience at the lowest cost in the existing stock space.

分区与使用Layout and use

(平面区域布局Functional division)

(平面功能布局Layout and use)


The designer's work can be divided into "independent work", "team work", "presentation and discussion", and "meeting and reporting" four parts. We want to create as flexible, interactive, equal and fun a space as possible. So we cut the space into three parts: entrance space, conference space, office space. The creation of the entrance public area is still an essential part of the project as a new type of office space, while a more comfortable, relaxing and living experience has become an important requirement for the creative team to create a new office space public space. All exhibitions and storage are interspersed in 3 spaces to form an integral part of the designer's working life.

设计策略Design strategy

如何在有限空间中重新设计工作室空间本身就成为了一个有趣的尝试。我们希望在84㎡的有限空间,满足15人左右的设计师办公工位的同时,还兼具:休息区(茶水和杂物放置),模型工作台,物料架,会议室,图书馆,设计讨论区,打印区。以上只是普通设计事务所应有的办公功能,我们还需要有一定的项目展示、荣誉证书陈列和模型展示,以及预留一定的灵活空间针对之后发展的扩充。 在这间办公室中我们会坐在不同的地方。我们想要专注、沟通、参与会议,并且讨论新想法。


a park 深圳数字艺术公园:一个有态度的公园




