
AG 新作 | 传承与创新,谧静方院中的多元交流场所

Inheritance and Innovation, New Communal Hub in Serene Quadrangle

不久前,香港中文大学组织了联合书院宿舍楼建筑设计竞赛,在经过两轮严苛的投票及专家评选,AG 汇创和P&T Group 联合体入围香港中文大学联合书院宿舍楼设计终轮决选,以下是AG 汇创的竞赛方案。

Atelier Global and P&T shortlisted for New United College Hostel project in The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

设计之初,我们思考如何将新建宿舍楼在一个已存在的建筑群里形成一个相适应的共存关系,创造一个能与自然交融、 蕴含更多可能且开放连续的建筑空间。故此,设计延续了原有基地的建筑肌理,根据学校宿舍的功能需求,在注重建筑形态及外部空间的塑造与校区融合的基础上,以图书馆为固定标志性建筑,遵循轴向平面上方向感的设计原则,保留一条通往联合书院大道远处景观的视觉走廊,并通过和谐的尺度及相似高度的建筑形态和图书馆、曾肇添楼、思源馆以集群的形式围绕中央庭院进行串联围合展开对话。

Our design intent is to harmonize the new hostel within the quadrangle clusters in order to embrace the central landscape with continuous public interface. The design blends in with the perimeter blocks, embraces the central lawn and emphasize the iconic quality of the central library. We also provide a central view corridor along the UC mall axis towards the distant view and provide new pedestrian connection with the main campus. The understated building massing and façade unify with the Tsang Shiu Tim Building & Si Yuan Amenities Centre to encircle the serene courtyard.

项目鸟瞰 Project Aerial View

基地分析 Site Analysis

规划框架 Planning Framework

开放庭院 Open Courtyard

建筑柱廊 Colonnade

空间轴线 Axial Plan

项目模型 Project Model

统一的天际线 Unifying Skyline


The proposed building appears as an extension of existing context and form a coherent skyline with United College viewed from Central Campus.The building height is suggested to align with the the Tsang Shiu Tim Building to create a continuity of the horizontal massing from the central campus perspective.

与自然融合的建筑 Encircling the Nature


The courtyard is defined by rows of colonnade space. It provides a layer of covered circulation and common area around the perimeter of the open court.