

Alila Wuzhen: A Serene and Tranquil water maze








"Along a winding path,

We walk off the road to the entrance of Alila Wuzhen.

The plain-looking gate signals a change of scenes, like what we see in a movie,

Reminding us of the start of a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the world

Into a land of serenity and peace.

Under the immaculately white roof,

The shadows of verdant trees dance on the tranquil lake.

From the lobby outward, we are greeted with a picturesque idyllic dwelling."

在人们的印象中,乌镇,是马头墙、石拱桥和乌篷船装点的风情图卷,而阿丽拉乌镇项目试图超越这一联想,在21世纪的乌镇塑造一座今日水乡。goa 大象设计通过规划、建筑、室内、家具的一体化营造,实现了表达的统一和完整性。

Most people associate Wuzhen with a mesmerizing picture dotted with Ma Tau walls, stone arch bridges and black-awning boats. In designing Alila Wuzhen, GOA wanted to transcend the association to create a new image of Wuzhen as a modern water town in the 21st century. Through an integration of planning, construction, interior design, and furniture and furnishings, the designers achieved a consistent and complete expression.


The Start of a Game-Changing Design



Alila Wuzhen is located in Wuzhen, Tongxiang, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province. Approximately 3 kilometers east of the picturesque tourist attraction, the project site, while being situated inside the water town, has no natural waters and plants except for one wetland on its south. Its eastern and northern sides are adjacent to urban roads. Despite its positioning as a high-end resort hotel, the project site does not boast any outstanding landscape resources; however, this provides a new start for an independent and game-changing design.

What should be done to establish an emotional bond between the isolated site and vacationers? What are people looking for in the well-known Wuzhen?


A Modern Place of Dwelling
